Coach handbags are popular due to their style, durability and value. Their designs often reflect the latest fashion trends, and they are typically built to last many years. Many people find them moderately affordable, as they typically cost between $300 and $800. While they usually last quite awhile, Coach bags, especially their canvas styles, can get dirty or damaged more quickly than the leather designs. Fortunately, there are a few options for those who need to have a canvas Coach handbag repaired.
1. Mix two cups of warm water with a teaspoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of dye-free, bleach-free dish washing liquid. Dampen a white, clean cotton towel with the solution and try to clean off any dirty spots on the Coach canvas handbag. This works best if you try to remove stains from the bag immediately, as opposed to letting the stains set in the canvas material.
2. Take the handbag back to the Coach boutique or department store you bought it from. If you still have your receipt, they will typically repair the bag for free depending on how long you have had it. If you do not have your original receipt, the store can often look it up for you in their system or provide alternative repair options.
3. Send the bag to Coach by mail for repair if you do not have a boutique nearby -- the charge for this is $20. You will need to send your bag to the following address by a traceable means (i.e., insured mail):
Attn: Repairs
One Coach Way
Jacksonville, Florida 32218
A Repair Service Request Form, which can be obtained from the official Coach website (see Resources), must also be included with your package.
4. Send the canvas Coach bag to a designer purse repair company such as ArtBag or Avelle. Depending upon what you need repaired, the cost for having your handbag fixed can range from $45 to $200. Even if it is a more costly repair, it will likely be much less than the cost of having to replace your Coach bag.
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