Monday, July 30, 2012

Understanding Photography Lighting

Lighting From the Side

Proper lighting is a very important to creating beautiful photographs. Lighting can add drama, a sense of peace or movement to a photograph. Here's light a subject and use light for different effects so that you can create the mood you need.


1. Place your subject in a dark area and light them from the side for a dramatic effect. You can use an open window, studio lights or a lamp to light a subject from the side.

2. Give your photos a gauzy effect by placing your subject in front of a white object that is lit with natural light from a window, as shown in the example. The light reflects off of the white object, softening the light.

3. Use outdoor sunlight lighting for crisp, clear pictures. Avoid shooting during 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The sunlight during this time is too bright and will wash out your images unless you adjust your camera's settings to compensate.

4. Use your flash when outside to light shadows under eyes and chins. Make sure to stand a few feet away from your subject so that the flash doesn't wash out your subject.

5. Bounce your flash off of white objects to defuse the intensity of the light. This will eliminate red eye, shadows and shiny spots on objects.

6. Find already lit subjects for fantastic shots at night . Some examples are stores, cars, streetlights, fireworks and fountains. Since they provide their own light, all you have to do is use a slow exposure time and a tripod to get a good shot.

Tags: your subject, from side, light subject, wash your, white object