Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Do Surveillance

Surveillance, or the art of watching closely is truly an art. While there are certain things you can be taught about surveillance, in order to really perfect it you must practice it. Remember these steps and practice so that you can become a master of surveillance.


1. Scan your sector methodically. Break the sector that you are providing surveillance for into sections based on distance. Allow your eyes to fully focus on a section before moving to the next.

2. Pay attention to changes or to things that look wrong. Dead bushes or branches in the middle of live ones can indicate a camouflaged position. Areas that look as though they were intentionally cleared could be predefined sectors of fire laid out by a bad guy. If you watch this area often, take note of changes to the scenery. Is there a new pile of garbage or plants where there didn't used to be? These could all be camouflaged positions or ****y traps.

3. Report anything unusual to your chain of command. If you are not sure about something, get someone else's opinion.

4. Remember to trust your gut. If you have a bad feeling about something, checking it out, could save your life.

Tags: about something, that look