Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Difference Between Passport 8500 & X50

Escort radar detectors come in a variety of styles to fit your needs

Both the Passport 8500 and 8500 X50 model radar detectors are manufactured by Escort Inc. Though they're almost exactly alike in appearance, there are major differences that set them apart. The X50 series is the newer of the two, offering more features, functionality and protection value than the standard 8500.

POP Protection

One of the largest features of the X50 that the standard 8500 didn't support is the "POP" feature. This feature warns you of radar guns operating at lower frequencies than normal. Newer police radar guns allow police to keep the gun on a low frequency and then increase the power suddenly to determine your speed. POP protection warns you of these low frequency readings to keep you from getting caught off guard.

VG-2 Protection

In an attempt to better detect radar detector users, police have began using detectors to find users, known as VG-2 and VG-3 detection. The original 8500 series radar detector isn't completely invisible to this detection method, while the X50 series is fully undetectable by the VG-2 system. Police often use these detectors to pin-point users and may even intentionally target you for using a detection system.

V-Tuned Receiver

The X50 model features Escort's V-Tuned receiver, which increases the detector's range and sensitivity. According to Escort, this new radar receiver can increase your detection range by up to 50 percent. Another notable feature of the receiver is that it increases the sensitivity of the detector to pick up "instant-on" radar systems, such as laser detection and POP detection.

False Readings

The 8500 series radar detector used digital signal processing to reduce false detection warnings by locating the source of the signal. The 8500 X50 adds to this feature by incorporating Traffic Sensor Rejection software into the device. This software prevents the detector from sounding when passing by highway traffic sensors. These sensors produce a K-band radar signal to measure traffic flow for GPS systems. By blocking their signals, the detector produces fewer false readings.

Tags: radar detector, 8500 series, 8500 series radar, Passport 8500, radar detectors