Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Recycle Computer Memory

Recycle old computer memory.

Recycle old, out-of-use memory (RAM) chips from your desktop or laptop computer. Not only might you earn a little money in the process, you will be protecting the environment too, as memory chips contain toxic levels of lead. If you sell memory chips, do so as soon as possible after you replace them, because their value decreases over time. You can find many uses for old memory, because it's easy to install and relatively easy to find computers compatible with the memory you're most likely to have.


1. Recycle at home by upgrading your child's computer. They always need additional computer memory to run programs for online games and graphic programs. They will be so happy you upgraded their computer they just might give you hugs and kisses.

2. Recycle in your computer business to help the environment. If you happen to own a computer service center, you can recycle computer memory through your store by repackaging it after testing, and displaying it for discounted prices. You can offer memory upgrades to your customers at a discount. You may want to keep some old memory on hand for testing and replacing damaged memory (RAM) in customer computer systems. This will save your customers money and they may well return for more business.

3. Visit computer sales and servicing stores in your area. If they are interested they may purchase your old chips outright or may sell the computer memory for you. If you decide to sell the memory yourself, they might test and price the chips for you.

4. Sell the memory online to make some money for family activities. If you have an account on a site that allows sales by individuals, like eBay or craigslist, you can sell your PC or laptop memory. Check the memory first to ensure your product works before you put it up for sale.

5. Get a tax break by donating computer memory to a school or nonprofit organization. Check with your local school technology coordinator to see if they might need memory to upgrade the school's computers. Get a receipt for the value of the memory for taxes at the end of the year.

6. Advertise on the bulletin board at work to sell your PC or Laptop memory. Most businesses have an employee bulletin board. Check to see if you are allowed to post your computer memory for sale. You might end up selling the memory and getting paid to install it for the buyer. He might give you the memory being removed to make way for the memory you're installing.

7. Find a company that recycles old computer parts. Some will recycle or trade in your memory when you purchase new memory. Many companies recycle metals from old computer parts to focus on environmental concerns.

8. Make a conversation piece with old memory and computer parts. If you are the crafty type you can design a clock, sculpture, jewelry or a centerpiece for your table from the old memory. Decorate the outside of a flowering plant to "help it remember" to bloom every year. Make "memory clips" to give as gifts for someone's desk to hold her notes.

Tags: computer memory, computer parts, memory chips, bulletin board, might give