Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cleaning An Lcd Screen

Today, LCD screens are quite common in computers and even some televisions monitors. They tend to attract dust, which makes the screen blurry or dingy. Cleaning an LCD screen occasionally solves the problem.

Commercial Products

Commercially available LCD screen cleaners can be found at electronics stores and many general supply stores like Target or Wal-Mart. They may cost more than some of the home made cleaners below, but they're effective and easy to use.

Rubbing Alcohol

A mixture of one part rubbing alcohol to one part distilled water works effectively as an LCD screen cleaner. Put the mixture into a spray bottle. Be sure to use distilled or filtered water. Otherwise you might get streaks on your screen once it dries.

White Vinegar

Similar to the rubbing alcohol, just mix one part white vinegar with one part distilled water and throw it into a spray bottle. Again, don't use tap water, only distilled water.

Microfiber Cloth

Use a microfiber cloth for cleaning your screen. Paper towels, and other types of cloth can leave scratches and don't quite have the static power of microfiber cloths.


Start by turning off your monitor. A black screen shows dirt better. Whether you've got a commercial cleaner or the alcohol or vinegar mix never spray it directly only the screen. Spray your microfiber cloth and then very gently wipe the screen until clean. Don't scrub or pick at any stuck on dirt because you may damage the screen.

Tags: distilled water, into spray, into spray bottle, microfiber cloth, part distilled, part distilled water, rubbing alcohol