Monday, August 29, 2011

Use An Exposure Meter

Determine the optimum shutter speed for your camera by leaning use an exposure meter.

An exposure meter is actually a device that measures the amount of light. It is often used in photography, cinematography and the movie industry to establish the proper exposure needed for a perfect photograph. Light meters can be digital and analogue depending on their model. Most modern exposure meters are simple digital devices that offer accurate readings. If you know read and use an exposure meter, you will be able to use the optimum shutter speed and therefore get perfect results in both photography and cinematography.


1. Check the film speed on your camera and set that exact figure on the exposure meter itself. Most digital light meters have a button for setting the film speed. Note that the exposure meter has to be in sync with your particular camera in order for the results to be custom. The film speed or ISO, is the speed needed for the film to react to light.

2. Point the exposure meter generally in the direction of the landscape or subject you want to shoot. Get a light reading by pointing the light meter roughly in the same direction your camera will be facing.

3. Adjust the contrast by checking the white and the black tones on the subject and the scenery. Simply choose a clearly contrasted part of the scenery and use it for adjustment. This is the easiest approach since strong black and white tones are simple to notice and set. Read the light meter when pointed to the dark/black and the light/white parts of the subject or the landscape. Remember that a perfect photograph or a shot needs to have strong dark and bright tones.

4. Turn the dial on the exposure meter, usually on the left side, to match the exposure number on the camera. Read the number indicated for the shutter speed and read the f-stop position as well.

5. Set your camera to match the shutter speed and the f-stop recommended and calculated by the exposure meter.

Tags: exposure meter, shutter speed, your camera, film speed, light meter, optimum shutter, optimum shutter speed