Friday, January 27, 2012

Cctv Camera Function

CCTV cameras perform four basic functions while providing surveillance.

A closed circuit television security system provides surveillance of a desired area through permanently mounted cameras. The CCTV system's images are viewed and recorded but not broadcast over a wide area. Banks and casinos first utilized these systems, but advances in technology and decreases in expenses have made them accessible and affordable enough for smaller business and homeowner use. CCTV cameras serve four distinct functions, each working under the umbrella term of "surveillance" and for the basic purpose of keeping you and your possessions safe.

Situation Monitoring

While CCTV camera systems certainly keep watch over prison inmates and possible bank heists, they also aid in more positive efforts. The ability to constantly monitor an area aids in the care of elderly patients, providing medical intervention or assistance as soon as a problem arises. Caregivers keep an eye on playing children through the system, and wildlife researchers are able to document and study the behaviors and patterns of elusive animals.

Crime Deterrent

The presence of security cameras acts as a crime deterrent for the express reason that no one wants to get caught on tape performing an illegal act. Many CCTV cameras are placed in prominent locations to reinforce the notion of "getting caught," and in some instances a sign stating the fact that the area is monitored by a camera system provides enough encouragement for a would-be criminal to move on.

Alarm Trigger

When paired with a home alarm system, the CCTV surveillance cameras act as a trigger to sound the alarm if it detects suspicious or aggressive behavior. A person walking along the sidewalk in front of the house would not arouse suspicion, but someone sneaking through the bushes or attempting to open a locked window or door would. This sudden alarm, and the threat of getting caught by curious neighbors or summoned police, usually encourages a potential burglar to seek easier pickings.


Sometimes the presence of a security system cannot prevent a crime. In this instance, the recorded images are turned over to the police, who study them in an attempt to identify the wrongdoer, or gather clues to his identity. This photo and video evidence also aids in prosecution of the criminal once caught.

Tags: CCTV cameras, getting caught, presence security, security system, system provides