Monday, September 12, 2011

Send A Message To A Cingular/At&T Cell Phone

Sending a text message to a Cingular/AT&T user is easy.

Sending a text message to a Cingular/AT&T Wireless cell phone is easy, as long as you have the 10-digit phone number of the person you want to contact. With this number, you can either text from your phone, from your email, or online through the online SMS messaging center.


1. Open up a new text message on your cellular phone and write the message. Type in the 10-digit phone number of the person you want to contact, then hit "send." If the other person has text messaging enabled on her Cingular/AT&T cell phone, she will receive your message almost instantly.

2. Log on to your computer and navigate to the Cingular/AT&T website. Type in your friend's phone number, a subject for the text message, and the message you want to send. You can also enter your email address for confirmation of the message being delivered and received by the other person. Hit "send text message" when ready.

3. Send an email. Each Cingular/AT&T phone has a mobile email address to send and receive email and text messages. Using the 10-digit phone number of the person you want to text, send an email to (yournumber) This will send the receiver a text message, even though you sent it initially as an email.

Tags: text message, phone number, 10-digit phone, 10-digit phone number, number person, number person want, person want