Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Make Peasant Dresses

You can sew your own peasant dress.

Sewing a peasant dress is simple. With spring and summer fashions full of Bohemian references and styling, sewing your own peasant dress is a way to play with a trend without breaking your bank account. Plus, you'll avoid that awful Oh my gosh she's wearing the same dress as me moment by your craftiness. Get extra green and fashion-friendly points by scavenging for vintage fabrics at your local thrift store. A peasant dress project is perfect for beginner seamstresses.


1. Iron out any wrinkles from your fabric.

2. Cut out the appropriate pattern for your peasant dress. Patterns for peasant dresses can easily be found online or picked up from your local fabric store.

3. Use straight pins to attach the pattern cutout to the fabric. Cut around the pattern so you have two parts to your dress, the front and back.

4. Line up the front and back of your dress pieces. If your fabric has a pattern, make sure the back side of the pattern is facing out; you will turn the dress right-side-in later.

5. Begin by sewing around the dress. Leave 1/4 inch of the seams unsewn at the bottom, neckline and sleeves of the dress. Be sure you do not sew these areas shut.

6. Fold the unsewn portion of the bottom of dress over, and sew along this line to form the hem of your dress. Repeat this step for each sleeve to form a hem along the sleeves.

7. For a gathered effect around the neckline of your dress, fold the 1/4 inch of fabric left unsewn, and sew it as for a hem, leaving a small hole on either side of the neckline at the shoulders. Be sure to leave enough room to thread the elastic through the neckline.

8. Attach the safety pin to the elastic. Thread the safety pin and elastic through the neckline of the dress to create a gathered effect. When you have threaded the elastic completely through the neckline, sew the elastic ends together and sew the fabric holes shut.

9. Iron the hemlines to finish making the dress.

Tags: make, peasant, dresses, peasant dress, your dress, through neckline, your peasant, your peasant dress, elastic through, elastic through neckline, from your, front back