Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Troubleshoot A Nikon 35ti

When changing film, utilize a shady area to eliminate improper film exposure.

The Nikon 35Ti film camera is a high-quality automatic focus compact camera with a flash. After obtaining your camera and using it a few times, you may experience problems, such as power loss, incorrect date imprints, and blurry pictures. Following a few simple steps, and performing your own maintenance regimen will have your camera operating correctly again shortly. You can replace the 3-volt lithium battery that controls the camera's display and automatic functions, eliminate blurriness from your film, and reset the date on your camera.


Power Loss

1. Replace the camera battery if automatic functions and flash cease. Turn your camera over, so that the bottom of the camera is accessible. Use a coin or similarly shaped object to wedge into the slit on the battery chamber cover. Twist the object counterclockwise to open and remove the battery cover. Remove the old battery, then replace the battery with a new 3-volt lithium battery (CR123A or DL123A). Be sure to notice the polarity indicator printed on the inside of the chamber. Lock the battery chamber by twisting the slit clockwise.

2. Eliminate blurriness (caused by unsteady hands) by either holding the camera still during picture taking or mounting the camera onto a tripod. A shaky camera will cause blurriness in your images (especially if the lighting situations are low and the flash isn't utilized). Hold the camera with both hands while you frame your subject within the viewfinder (the hole on the back of the camera that allows you to look through the lens). Brace your arms against your body, and gently squeeze the "Shutter Release" button (located on the top of the camera to the right) fully down. Use a standard tripod (a three-legged stand with a mount on top where the camera sits), if necessary, to help steady your shots.

3. Reset your date and time, if your picture's date and time imprints are incorrect. The date and time information are imprinted onto your film and printed photographs. Turn the select dial (located on the top right of the camera) to "Off." Push the "Mode" button (located on the top left of the camera back) to select one of the five displays. Choose from "Year/Month/Day," "Month/Day/Year," "Day/Month/Year," "Day/Hour/Minute," and "No Imprint." For example, choose "Month/Day/Year." Set the month by pushing and holding the "Mode" button for three seconds. Push the "Set" button (located to the right of the "Mode" button) to cycle through to the current month. Push the "Mode" button until the "Day" field begins to blink. Push the "Set" button until you land on the correct day. Push the "Mode" button until the year field blinks, then push the "Set" button to scroll to the correct year. Push the "Mode" button to save all three fields.

Tags: Mode button, Push Mode, Push Mode button, your camera, button located, button until