Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Facts Radar Detectors

Facts About Radar Detectors

Radar detectors are generally used by noncommercial motorists to detect whether the speed of their vehicle is being monitored by a law enforcement officer. Most detectors are capable of detecting radar equipment on any wavelength. It is not illegal to equip a noncommercial vehicle with a detector in the United States except in Virginia and Washington, D.C.


Law enforcement radar guns use Doppler radar, which transmits a radio wave at a specific vehicle, then bounces back to measure the speed of the vehicle.

Nondetectable Radar

Some law agencies bypass using speed radar equipment by employing a computerized stopwatch or cameras that recognize plate numbers to record and identify speeders.


Detectors can be quipped with GPS technology that allows the user to store common locations where radar is used or the locations of speed cameras.


Radar jammers are used to interfere with Doppler radar by scrambling the radio wave and are illegal under federal law.

No Commercial Use

It is illegal in the United States for big-rig truck drivers or any commercial-licensed vehicles to use radar detectors.

Law Varies Elsewhere

European law varies in each country regarding laws regulating or banning the use of a radar detector. Heavy fines are possible in France, Finland, Germany and Greece.

Tags: Doppler radar, radar equipment, radio wave, United States