Monday, November 25, 2013

Distribute Disposable Cameras At Your Wedding

Let a professional photographer handle the official pictures, but capture intimate moments by distributing disposable cameras to guests for them to use throughout the event.


1. Set a camera (or two, depending on your budget) on each table at the reception.

2. Print up small cards to set alongside the cameras. These cards should say something like "Please help us see our wedding reception through your eyes - snap a few pictures and then pass the camera around. Please leave this camera on the table and we'll take care of the rest!"

3. Appoint a person to collect the cameras before the reception winds down, or set a basket by the door for people to drop the used cameras into.

4. Encourage your friends to stand up and take snapshots of the other guests.

5. Be sure to explain that you'll be taking care of developing the photos - some guests might feel compelled to get the photos developed themselves.

6. Expect a few cameras to disappear. It happens.
