Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fix A Disposable Video Camera

Instead of lugging around your old video camera, buy a small disposable one.

A disposable video camera may help you out of a tight spot when you need a way to capture a special moment on vacation, but there's no need to toss it after the camera store has downloaded the video for you. Adapt the camera so that it's no longer a single-use device and convert it into one that allows you to download your own video to your computer.


1. Remove the screws from the side of the disposable video camera using a screwdriver. Most cameras have at least one screw hidden by a sticker on the side or bottom; peel off the sticker and remove the screw.

2. Lift off the side panel and pull out the circuit board.

3. Cut the connector off one end of a USB cable using your utility knife. Use a wire stripper to peel at least 3 inches of insulation back from the wires, which should be white, red, black and green.

4. Use a hot soldering iron to apply a drop of solder to the end of each wire. Find the numbered pins on the camera's circuit board and place the white wire against the pin labeled "1." Touch the connection with the soldering iron for two seconds.

5. Solder the red wire to the pin numbered "6" on the circuit board. Solder the green wire to pin 8 and the black wire to pin 10, following the same procedure you used with the white wire. Allow all solder points to cool for at least one minute.

6. Cut a hole in the bottom of the camera case using the utility knife; notch out the hole on the side with the unscrewed panel.

7. Reinstall the circuit board into the camera with the attached USB cable passing inside the notch. Reseat the side panel and screw it in place. Connect the other end of the USB cable to your computer to download videos.

Tags: circuit board, video camera, disposable video, side panel, soldering iron, utility knife, white wire