Thursday, December 12, 2013

Buy Wireless Earbuds

Are you tired of getting tangled up in the wire of your earbuds, but don't like those oversized "cans" or behind-the-head headphones? It may be time for you to go wireless with your earbuds.


1. Consider cost. Prices range the gamut, and you need to figure how just how high-end you want to go. There are options available for almost every budget, so figure out how much you're willing to spend and move on from there.

2. Comfort is key when it comes to earbuds. They'll be spending a lot of time in a very sensitive place, after all. Being able to try wearing the earbuds before buying them is optimal, but this is often not possible because stores will often not allow you take them out of the packaging. Read online reviews and take notice of what people say about the comfort level. Thankfully, many models come with different-sized caps that fit on the earbuds to accommodate different-sized ears.

3. Make sure the wireless earbuds offer "sound isolation." This is what blocks outside noise. The better the sound isolation, the lower you can keep the volume on your music player. Earbuds with strong sound isolation feature will do less damage to your hearing because you won't have to crank up the volume in order to hear your music. This is particularly important if you wear your earbuds in noisy places.

4. Ensure your device has Bluetooth, which a popular wireless technology that allows most wireless earbuds to work with the music player. If it doesn't, you will have to buy a Bluetooth adapter.

Tags: sound isolation, your earbuds, music player, wireless earbuds, your music