Thursday, November 14, 2013

Diy Photo Umbrella

A photo umbrella is used for soft photographic lighting.

A photo umbrella is commonly used to create a diffused or "soft" lighting effect in taking portrait pictures. This is done by shining a light into an umbrella, which reflects the light back toward the subject. Photographic umbrella lighting kits can be bought in stores that sell camera equipment. However, an improvised type can be made using a medium-size umbrella, with at least a 36-inch diameter, available in many general merchandise stores.


1. Remove the umbrella handle.

Cut the umbrella handle using a hacksaw. Smooth the resulting sharp edges with sandpaper.

2. Choose a spray paint color to match the lighting intensity you want.

Spray paint the inner lining of the umbrella with a reflective enamel paint and let it dry. Use a white paint for an umbrella that will reflect a "softer" light. Use silver paint for a stronger or "harsher" light, or use a gold-colored paint for a "warmer" light.

3. A tripod needs to be extended to get light reflected on a person's face.

Extend the tripod legs of the light stand. Any metal pole with a tripod base, such as an old mic stand, that is at least four-feet high can be used.

4. Mount umbrella holder bracket on top of the tripod. This kind of bracket can be bought in photographic stores or on the Internet. Then insert umbrella into the bracket.

5. The photo flood bulb should be 250 watts.

Screw in the 250 watts photo flood bulb into the light reflector, both commonly sold in hardware stores. Mount this assembly to the bracket pointed into the umbrella.

6. Position your photo umbrella light about three feet away from your subject. Plug it in and start taking pictures.

Tags: photo umbrella, flood bulb, into umbrella, photo flood, photo flood bulb, umbrella handle, umbrella with