Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Use Geocodes

Geocoding helps provide an accurate spatial reference point for a physical location.

Geocoding refers to the process by which a physical location is described in geographical coordinates such as latitude and longitude. Your street address, for example, can be geocoded into a latitude and longitude that will provide a precise location for your home. Geocodes are useful in hobbies, such as geocaching, where individuals use geocodes to find hidden objects. Businesses, such as insurance companies, may use geocodes to provide a more accurate location for a claim or incident. Essentially, geocodes help people find a place.


1. Open your web browser to a map website, such as iTouchmap, or use a GPS device and choose to set a new location.

2. Type the latitude coordinates into the latitude box. An "N" or an "S" (for North or South, respectively) precedes the latitude coordinates.

3. Type the longitude coordinates into the longitude box. An "E" or "W" (for East or West, respectively) precedes the longitude coordinates.

4. Press the "Enter" or "Input" button, and allow the map program or your GPS device to orientate itself and find the geocode. Travel to the location by mapping out a course or using your GPS to provide you with directions.

Tags: coordinates into, into latitude, latitude coordinates, latitude longitude, longitude coordinates, physical location, respectively precedes