Monday, December 7, 2009

Build A 3sided Box

You can fold origami paper to make any number of sides in a box.

Whether you need a jewelry box or a small container to hold your favorite knick-knacks, an origami 3-sided box is a functional and simple way to store your favorite treasures. Just a few paper folds is all it takes to make these quick triangle-shaped boxes, which can be sized to fit just about any special trinket.


1. Place the paper on a flat surface. Turn it so it is in the shape of a diamond. Fold the top corner to meet the bottom corner and crease.

2. Fold the top left corner to the bottom corner and crease. Repeat with right corner. You should have a diamond shape. Unfold.

3. Hold the bottom two layers of paper together and fold the corner straight up to the edge of the paper. Crease then unfold. You should have a triangle composed of three creases in the middle of the paper.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 with the other two sheets of paper.

5. Place all thee shapes so that the bottom flap is flat on the surface. Take one side flap from one shape and insert it into the opening of another shape's side flap. Continue until each flap is inserted into another flap's opening. Tape to secure.

Tags: bottom corner, bottom corner crease, corner crease, flat surface, should have, side flap, your favorite