Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Repair A Scratch On A Camcorder Lens

The lens on a camcorder is as vulnerable to scratches as any piece of glass on any electronic device that is carried around outdoors. To repair a scratch on a camcorder lens, fill in the scratch so that it becomes diffused and, for all practical purposes, invisible to the eye and the sensor recording video through it. A few household items are all that is needed, along with some supplies from a hobby store.


1. Blow off the camera lens with compressed air. Moisten an edge of the microfiber cloth in the lens cleaning solution.

2. Wipe the moistened edge of the cloth on the scratch using a swirling motion. Let the lens cleaning solution evaporate from the lens. This can take up to 15 minutes or more, depending upon the temperature and humidity in the room that the camcorder is in.

3. Moisten the end of a cotton swab with petroleum jelly. Place the moistened cotton swab on the lens, just to the left of the scratch; if the scratch is vertical on the lens, place the swab on the lens just above the scratch.

4. Press down on the swab as you move it across the length of the scratch or, if the scratch is vertically, down the length of the scratch. Remove the swab once you pass the other side of the scratch. Dispose of the swab in the trash.

5. Blow off the lens with a burst of compressed air. Place the camcorder lens cap on the lens to protect it until the camcorder is to be used again.

Tags: camcorder lens, cleaning solution, cotton swab, length scratch, lens cleaning, lens cleaning solution