Friday, June 3, 2011

Shoot Silhouettes

Getting amazing silhouette photos is easier than you might think.

If you are looking to expand your photographic abilities and learn something new, try taking silhouette photographs. Silhouettes allow you to show off a stunning background while still including the outline of an interesting subject. Attempting to photograph silhouettes can seem difficult at first, but with a little practice you will be taking spectacular photos and impressing your friends.


1. Choose a brightly lit background. Sunsets and sun rises work best but you can create the same effect by hanging up a thin, light colored backdrop and shining bright lights behind it.

2. Set your camera on automatic. Point it directly at your background and hold the shutter button halfway down. You will see the settings appear on your screen to get a proper exposure of your background. Write down the shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings chosen by the camera.

3. Switch your camera to manual mode and change the settings to match those the camera chose for the background in the automatic setting.

4. Arrange your subject in front of the brightly lit backdrop and take the photograph without adjusting your settings anymore. You have manually set the camera to take a properly exposed picture of your backdrop rather than your subject. This means your background will look just right and your subject will be blacked out, making a nice silhouette.

Tags: your background, your subject, your camera