Monday, February 28, 2011

Use The Color Space Setting In The Nikon D90 Camera

Color space is a standard for matching your camera's image color to various printing and display devices so the colors in your images will look similar no matter where you view them. Your Nikon D90 has two color space settings available, sRGB and Adobe RGB. Which one should you use? A general rule makes it fairly easy to decide. If you are using your images in a non-commercial way, shooting and then printing at the local superstore or on your inkjet printer at home, then sRGB may be the best color space for you to use. If you intend to use your images commercially, such as on a stock photography site or in a magazine or book, Adobe RGB may serve you better.


1. Press the "Menu" button on the back of your camera and select the "Shooting Menu." Scroll down until you find the "Color Space" selection. Highlight it and scroll to the right. You will now see a list containing the two color space selections, "sRGB" and "Adobe RGB."

2. Scroll to the color space you want to use and highlight it. Press "OK." Your camera will now return to the "Shooting Menu." All pictures you take will now have the color space you selected as the base for how colors will look when printed on paper or displayed on a computer monitor. You may change this at any time.

3. Push the shutter release button half way down to turn off the camera's rear monitor. Now go take pictures with your new setting. If you change the type of images you shoot, simply repeat steps 1 through 3 and select the color space you need.

Tags: color space, your images, Shooting Menu, sRGB Adobe, will look