Thursday, June 13, 2013

Make Holiday Themed Text Messages On An Lg Cell Phone

The tradition of Christmas-card giving has changed tremendously thanks to advancements in technology. It is now much more common to give picture cards, digital e-cards and cards that actually sing and talk. If you are frequently using an LG cell phone, you can even create a holiday-themed text using the phone's built-in options. This is an easy way to send some holiday cheer according to a new delivery method.


1. Start a new text message by going to your "Messages" toolbox and selecting "New Message." Type in the phone number of the intended recipient or choose him from the contact list.

2. Select "Options" when you are in the text-box window. Select the option "Format Text." In the sub-menu, select "Background." Here, you have a choice of either red or green. Whichever one you do not choose will become the color of your writing.

3. Press "Ok" when you have made your color choice. Go back into the Options menu and select "Format Text" once again. Choose "Text Color" and then "Red" if you chose green before, and vice versa. (Some phones may give you the option of either light or dark green.)

4. Write your Christmas message. It can be something simple like "Happy holidays" or a longer, more personal message. Most LG phones are able to handle a lot of text, so write as much as you want until you are notified you have reached the maximum.

5. Go to the "Add" options in the LG menu. Choose "Graphic" and scroll through the various options. You will find a lot of Christmas images, like a present, Santa Claus, a snowman and a even-more-detailed Christmas tree.

6. Set the cursor where you would the picture to appear in your text message, then add the pictures to your text. If you have decided to create multiple pictures, you have to go through the menu each time.

Tags: Format Text, text message, your text