Thursday, October 1, 2009

Troubleshooting A Ball Point Pentype Video Recorder

A video recorder can be disguised as a ballpoint pen, which is especially useful to shoot video while in one's pocket. The minimal size of the recorder requires that all parts operate at optimal efficiency. To troubleshoot why the ball point pen-type video recorder is not functioning or shooting clear video, apply a number of procedures specific to this type of device. The recorder will not be damaged by what you will do in order to discern the problem.


1. Unscrew the end of the ball point pen where the clip is located. Remove the batteries from inside the battery compartment. Rub the contacts inside the compartment with a rubber eraser. Upend the pen and shake it out. Replace the batteries and screw the end back on.

2. Blow off the video lens on the side of the ball point pen with a burst of compressed air. Apply lens cleaning solution to an edge of a lens tissue. Wipe the lens with the edge of the tissue, using a circular motion. Let the lens air-dry before putting the pen in your pocket, with the lens facing in the same direction that you are.

3. Locate the "Mode" switch on the ball point pen. Slide the switch from "Photo" to "Video." The pen will now shoot video, instead of taking snapshots.

Tags: ball point, shoot video