Learning to manually install java applications on your Motorola KRZR K1 will give you access to a huge library of free games and applications for your phone.
1. Make sure you have the P2K drivers installed, and plug in your phone via USB.
2. See what COM port your Motorola KRZR K1 uses by (in XP) navigating to control panel, click system, hardware, device manager, Modems, Motorola USB Modem, click the Advanced tab, click "Advanced Port Settings...", and note the COM port number. Mine was 4.
3. Open Motomidman v0.7 and click on the "Phone Settings" tab. Make sure the Enable Java Application Loader checkbox is checked. Note - for some versions of Motomidman I get an error message at startup like "Unsupported platform, unable to continue..." so far, this hasn't been a problem. I think it just means that we are not using Motomidman to its full capability here. Click the "restart" button, wait for your phone to reboot, close Motomidman, and disconnect phone.
4. In your phone, navigate to Main Menu, settings, java settings, and then Java App Loader. Your phone should say, "Insert Cable Now", Reconnect phone (your phone should say "JAL link is active...")* and open Motorola MIDway 2.8. You may get a message saying "Cannot open serial port! Would you like to change MIDway settings?" If that happens, click yes and choose the COM port that you noted earlier. *Note: If your phone does not say "JAL link is active..." you may need to change the USB settings in your phone from "Default: Memory Card" to "Default: Data Connection" depending on if you actually have a memory card or not.
5. Each Java program should have 2 files, a .JAD and a .JAR. The .JAD file is a text file containing information about the Java program and instructions for the installer. So, you should have both the .JAD and .JAR file together in the same folder if you plan on installing it. Not every Java program is compatible on every phone, so you may have to check if yours is compatible. A lot of cell phone java download sites let you specify your phone first so that you only download compatible programs.
6. Open the .JAD file of the program you want by clicking the "Open JAD" button and navigating to your file. Click open.
7. Click send JAD. On your phone, you should be asked if you want to download file, and are you sure because the file may not be signed. After you select yes on your phone, the JAR file will download and should install automatically.
Tags: your phone, Java program, phone should, applications your, click Advanced, link active