Monday, August 27, 2012

Fix Sirius Radios

Fix Sirius Radios

As with anything electronic, occasionally you will experience some problems with your Sirius Satellite radio receiver. No matter how new it is or how much money you spent on it, nothing functions perfectly 100 percent of the time. That doesn't mean you've wasted your money or have to run out and purchase a new one.


1. Restart your radio. If your problem is simple enough, sometimes turning the device on and off is just the kick it needs to get things working correctly again.

2. Make sure you haven't blown a fuse. This will require taking the radio apart, but it is an important thing to check. A blown fuse will need to be replaced, as it will not be providing enough power for your radio to operate.

3. Check your antenna. If your antenna isn't properly connected to your radio, it isn't going to be able to pick up the radio service. If you see a "Searching for Signal" message that never seems to go away, it is almost certainly a problem with your antenna.

4. Make sure nothing is obstructing your antenna. If anything is blocking your antenna, especially something large, it could negate your antenna's ability to pick up a signal from the Sirius Satellites.

Tags: your antenna, your radio, blown fuse, Make sure, Sirius Radios