Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fish To The Plus Aquarium Screensaver

The Microsoft Plus! program for Windows XP includes an aquarium screensaver based on the full version created by Prolific Publishing's SereneScreen. The Plus! marine aquarium only includes a demo of the full version and does not allow fish to be added. However, you can purchase an updated version of SereneScreen's latest aquarium screensaver, SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3.1, which allows up to 30 fish to be in the tank at one time.


1. Got to to purchase the full version of the program.

2. Choose the version you want to download. Multiple versions are available, and earlier editions allow up to eight fish in the tank at one time.

3. Download the demo programs before downloading the full version to ensure compatibility with your system and to see how well it functions with your graphics card.

4. Install the program's full version, and enter the keycode to activate the software.

5. Press "Spacebar" to open the screensaver settings, and select the fish you want to include in the tank. You can also choose to allow fish to be randomly selected.

Tags: full version, allow fish, aquarium screensaver, fish tank, fish tank time, tank time, with your