Thursday, November 26, 2009

Capture A Sunset Photo

A good sunset photo offers great benefits to both the photographer and the viewer. Honing their technique, a photographer gets to bask in the glory of accomplishment after capturing the perfect sunset shot. For the viewer, the sunset shot enhances the experience of enjoying a truly magnificent photo that illuminates a peaceful feeling. The problem is that some photographers are unsure of capture such a shot. This article will go over capture a sunset photo each and every time.


1. Find the perfect location. There is more to a sunset photo than just the sun. Scout for a location that offers additional beauty. Also, avoid outside objects that may block the shot.

2. Check the "white balance" setting. The white balance can determine the difference between a horrible sunset photo and a magnificent picture. A major mistake is is keeping the white balance setting on the automatic camera setting. Set it to either the "sunset" or "daylight" preset. Another way around this is to use a RAW image format and set the WB setting in the photo editing software.

3. Choose a composition. Depending on the shot, you can use either landscape or portrait. While either will work, landscape is the more popular choice.

4. Set the exposure setting. For a photo with the best and most vibrant colors, the exposure should be underexposed to -1 or -2 stops.

5. Set the meter. This is another common mistake that photographers make. Do not allow your camera to do the metering. Spot-meter the shot by bracketing 2/3 and 1 1/3 stops in either direction right or left from the sun.

6. Frame the shot so that the sunset isn't directly in the main focus. Set the picture with the sun to the right or left.

7. Start the shot right before the sun sets. Check with the weather channel to find the time of the sunset. Set up the equipment and shoot in enough time so that you can capture a few shots before the sun sets.

8. Continue shooting as the sun sets, and catch a few after it has completely set. It is hard to say at what position the sun should be in to make the best shot. You will sometimes find the best shot after the sun is hidden behind the horizon and Mother Nature has supplied the prettiest color palette.

Tags: white balance, balance setting, before sets, best shot, right left, setting photo, sunset photo