Friday, May 10, 2013

Remove Labels From Dvds

DVD labels can be problem if they are peeling off, sticking in your DVD player or causing your player not to read the information on the disc properly. You don't want to damage the player and you don't want to damage the DVD disc. Using the right chemical is the key for safely removing a disc label. Removal takes more than just peeling it off---you need to make sure all fragments of the label are gone.


1. Prepare a flat surface to work on by laying down a clean rag or towel on a table or desk. Next, put on a pair of latex gloves.

2. Hold the DVD disc by the edges and peel off as much of the label as you can. Work slowly and don't touch the underside of the disc, this can damage the contents on the disc. Do not drop the disc.

3. Lay the disc on the work surface at an angle where only one end of the disc is on the rag. Next, spray some Goo Gone on a paper towel.

4. Rub the label residue gently with the paper towel. Move in a circular motion and work the Goo Gone into any residue left on the disc. Stop and peel up any glue with your finger. Continue rubbing and peeling until the disc is completely clean.

5. Spray another paper towel with some Goo Gone and slowly wipe the DVD disc again. Let the disc air dry before testing in your DVD player.

Tags: paper towel, your player, some Gone, want damage