Monday, March 4, 2013

History Of The Box Camera

History of the Box Camera

Today's cameras are highly sophisticated pieces of equipment filled with mechanical and electronic features. Box cameras, however, are the simplest form of camera, and they are the oldest type known. Originally consisting of a basic closed container with a small opening for light to create the exposure, they had few or no moving parts. The history of these cameras is long, and their evolution created modern photography.

Camera Obscura

The first box cameras were called camera obscura. In a small darkened room, an image could be projected of an outdoor scene by using light rays through a small hole, forming an upside down image on an opposing wall. The origin of these early cameras is not clearly defined, but it is know that Aristotle used the camera obscura to study eclipses and Leonardo da Vinci used them in his work in the late 15th century.


At the end of the 16th century, a series of early camera enthusiasts began refining the camera obscura. First, lenses were attached, improving the image quality. Adjustable lenses were then devised to further sharpen the image and allow more light to pass through. Finally, a mirror was integrated to allow the image to appear with the correct orientation for viewing.


In the early 1800s, experimentation with making photographic prints of the generated images began. Initially, pewter sheets were coated with light-sensitive materials. In about eight hours, a blurry and dim print could be made using a box camera. Better chemicals and processes came quickly through further amateur experiments, eventually leading to the daguerreotype and the first practical use of photography.


The last great refinement to the box camera came with the creation and inclusion of the shutter to improve and shorten exposures by allowing the optimum amount of light into the camera. The earliest shutters were simple blades that dropped in front of the lens to create the image. The first was controlled by rubber bands, but by the late 1800s the modern leaf shutter was in widespread use.


From the earliest camera obscura to the latest full-featured designs, the history and development of the simple box camera is almost solely responsible for the photographic accomplishments enjoyed worldwide today.

Tags: camera obscura, History Camera, lenses were