Monday, June 1, 2009

Uses Of Cto Gels

Photographers use color temperature orange (CTO) gels to give a "warmer" color to photographs. Color temperature orange gels "cool" the light from 6500 Kelvin down to 4500, 3800 or 3200 Kelvin depending on the strength of the filter.


CTO gels are filters that the photographer places over the flashbulb to change the lighting effect. They are available in full, half and quarter strengths.


Gels are made of flexible polymer plastics in large sizes for cinematography and smaller strips for still cameras. Some photographers use adhesive tape to attach the gel to the flash, while others use a band with Velcro. Gels can be reused until they wear out.


CTO gels convert the ambient light to a tungsten or incandescent light, which creates certain effects. For outdoor photography on cloudy days, for example, CTO gels create a warmer light than that created by a bare flashbulb. For indoor use, CTO gels can provide a warmer light on the subject without changing the ambient background light.

Tags: orange gels, temperature orange, temperature orange gels, warmer light