Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Put My Digital Camera Through An Airport Xray

Airports now screen everything that goes on a domestic or foreign flight.

At all American airports, any item that is on your person or in your luggage will be scanned in some manner by an employee of the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which is a federal agency.

Types of Radiation

At the airport, digital cameras may be subjected to two types of invisible radiation, X-rays and electro-magnetic waves. As far as X-ray radiation is concerned, there are two places where your digital cameras could pass through this type of radiation exposure. One is the ticket counter baggage check-in, where checked bags travel on a conveyor belt and then are sent straight to the airplane. The other is the large standing floor-unit next to the walk-through detector, where personal items containing metal are placed in baskets or directly on the conveyor belt.


It is the general consensus of the photography community that X-rays do not harm digital files that are stored on any type of media device. However, this type of radiation may harm undeveloped film. According to the TSA, "Our screening equipment will not affect digital cameras and electronic image storage cards."


While nearly all photography professionals agree that X-rays do not harm digital images, there is a growing concern about the electromagnetic radiation produced by the inspection wands.

Tags: digital cameras, conveyor belt, harm digital, that X-rays, that X-rays harm, this type