Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Uses Lens Filters With Digital Video Cameras

You can utilize the effects of lens filters with digital video (DV) cameras if you know something about the way these filter lenses work. For instance, you’ll soon discover that the old filters don’t work the same with the new DV cameras. Auto focus cameras are renowned to reset the focus on to the filter rather than what you’re trying to capture. So, you’ll need to know weigh the lenses and the DV cameras for compatibility, and you’ll need to know what you want from the filters before you invest. In digital video you can’t be safe by hedging an expensive camera with a cheap lens, or vice versa. You’ll need to consider what really works--and don’t trust the larger dollar for the better, be it the lens or the DV camera. Of course, if you are really looking at taking DV seriously as a long term hobby or profession, you could gradually build up your lens and camera collection a little over time.


1. Know your camera’s limitations and improvise. Determine what kind of camera you have. De rigeur is a good lens for Panasonic's AJ-D215.

2. Determine the type of lens that will compensate for most of your videoing needs. For example, if you are going to spend your time video capturing people at the beach, De Rigeur is a good filter for skin tones. The De Rigeur filter is a good complement to a DV like Panasonic’s AJ-D215. However, Sony’s DSR-PD100A takes some pretty good DV footage and doesn’t need the filter for skin tones. You might also consider Glimmerglass. Glimmerglass reduces contrast, and thus is good for filming people.

3. Consider acquiring a diffusion filter if you’re shooting small format DV.

4. Know that Black Diffusion FX makes your digital videos look like they haven’t been filtered at all. This filter makes digital video look like pro Hollywood film.

5. Remember to consider the compatibility between the camera and the film, as well as knowing the limits of your equipment. Don’t be intimidated by the diversity of DV cameras and filters. Build your hobby or career over time. Your patience and study will prevail.

Tags: digital video, filter skin, filter skin tones, lens camera, look like, need know, over time