Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Set A Timer On A Canon Camera

Use a timer on a Canon camera to include yourself in a picture.

If you're usually the photographer at group gatherings, but you don't appear in many pictures because you're always on the other side of the camera, put yourself in some of the pictures by using the timer that's built-in to every Canon EOS and PowerShot digital camera. You'll have 10 seconds once you set the timer to take your place and wait for the camera to snap the photo.


1. Place the camera in a secure position so that it doesn't fall or move when you leave it to be part of the picture. Mount the camera on a tripod, if possible, for a stable mount that's also easy to use when focusing the camera.

2. Place a chair or another object to mark your place where you will be for the picture. Look through the camera and adjust it so that the picture it takes will include the entire area you want to photograph.

3. Press the "AF-DRIVE" or the "DRIVE-ISO" button on your camera. Turn the electronic input dial until the 10-second self-timer symbol appears on the screen. Don't select the 2-second timer if your camera has that option.

4. Review the instructions for your model Canon camera if you don't have an AF-DRIVE or DRIVE-ISO button to find the location of the self-timer option in the camera settings. Look for an icon of a clock with a circle at the 12:00 position and the number 10 at the 1:00 position. Select the timer so that the icon shows as enabled.

5. Press the shutter button and remove your finger without moving the camera. Remove the chair or other placeholder and take your position in the photograph. Listen for the camera to sound each second for eight seconds and then speed up for the last two seconds, after which it snaps the photo.

Tags: AF-DRIVE DRIVE-ISO, AF-DRIVE DRIVE-ISO button, camera have, Canon camera, DRIVE-ISO button