Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Diy Rear Projector Screen

A rear projection screen allows viewers to divorce themselves from the projector, since it is no longer behind them. A Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projection screen consists of a frame surrounding and holding the projection material in place. A few supplies from a hardware store and a household supply shop are needed, as are some tools commonly found in most homes.


1. Place the drop cloth on the floor. Place the vinyl shower curtain on the drop cloth with the side that has the holes in it at the top.

2. Punch holes along the edges of the curtain -- starting a half inch in from one end for the first hole and then spacing the holes 2 inches apart until reaching the other end -- using the leather tool puncher.

3. Measure the length and width of the curtain with the measuring tape.

4. Purchase two lengths of PVC pipe -- one length that is double the width of the curtain plus 12 inches and the other double the length of the curtain plus 8 inches. Have each PVC pipe cut in two for you by a professional at the hardware store.

5. Join the PVC pipes at the corners with elbow joints to form a frame.

6. Center the shower curtain within the frame, lying on the floor.

7. Place the end of the rope through a hole at the bottom of one side of the curtain. Tie a knot at the end of the rope so it will not slip back out of the hole. Wind the rope around the PVC pipe and into the hole in the curtain above the one that has the knotted end in it. Wind the rope around the PVC pipe and into the next hole in the curtain. Repeat this procedure until you reach the hole at the top of the curtain. Cut off the excess rope with the scissors.

8. Repeat this procedure around the three remaining sides of the PVC frame.

9. Pull the shower curtain taut, keeping it centered between the PVC pipes, before tying off the rope.

10. Stand up the rear-projection screen you have made. Place a folding chair in front of the screen a foot in from each side. Turn the folding chairs so that their backs face away from you. Stand the screen on the chairs.

Tags: hole curtain, shower curtain, around pipe, around pipe into, curtain plus