Monday, February 15, 2010

Test Digital Photo Frames

Digital photo frames are an excellent way to display your favorite family photos.

Digital photo frames display pictures in a continuous slide show. They come in a variety of sizes, and in different colors and trim options. Before you purchase a digital photo frame, test several with your own images. Once you have tested various digital photo frames, purchase the model that will look the best in your home.


1. Open the pictures you want to the use or test with the digital photo frame in the photo-editing program you normally use to edit your photos.

2. Click on "Image," select "Image size" and resize the open pictures to 72 dpi (dots per inch). When printing your photos the resolution should be set at 300 dpi. When displaying your pictures on any type of screen, reducing the dpi to 72 will allow you save more images on the memory card or internal memory chip.

3. Insert an empty memory card into the card reader in or connected to your computer. Save the resized images to the memory card, remove the card and take it with you when you are looking at new frames.

4. Insert the memory card into the display model of the frame you are looking to purchase. Allow the frame to display all the pictures on the card so you can see how it transitions from one picture to the next.

Tags: memory card, card into, digital photo, digital photo frame, display pictures, images memory