Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Decorate A Mobile Phone

A mobile phone is an important accessory for many people and some go to great lengths to decorate their device. Decorating gives a unique personal touch to the mobile phone and makes it stand out from the rest. There are a variety of materials that can be used to decorate your mobile phone. Read on to learn decorate a mobile phone.


1. Purchase ready made mobile phone coverings that have solid or patterned designs. Remove the original casing of your mobile phone and replace it with the new cover.

2. Buy a package of artificial miniature crystals and bottle of clear nail polish. Remove the front cover from the battery. Apply clear nail polish to one area at a time and use tweezers to position the crystals. Press down gently and let it air dry.

3. Use an alternative method to decorate. Apply colored nail polish of your choice to the mobile phone casing. Make a flower, animal or write your name. Enhance the look by adding crystals. You can also use glue to affix the crystals.

4. Hang or tie a lightweight decorative string on your mobile phone. The strings come as silver, gold, crystallized colors and beaded chains. Many include charms. The strings are also available in a variety of decorative miniatures.

5. Download or customize a wallpaper according to your personal preference and use it as the backdrop image on your mobile phone. This gives the mobile a simple decorative look. Another option is to use a photo of your family, friends or pet as the wallpaper.

Tags: mobile phone, your mobile, your mobile phone, nail polish, clear nail, clear nail polish