Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography

Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography

A few adjustments in PhotoShop can take digital photos from ordinary to intriguing by creating fakes that mimic the classic look of the Russian Lomo camera. Give your digital photos a Lomo look by creating a fish eye effect, a sharp center, dark distorted edges, and color over saturation.


Bump Up the Color

1. Open the digital photo in Adobe PhotoShop by selecting File>Open from the menu, selecting the photo and clicking "Open."

2. Increase the contrast of the photo by going into the menu and choosing Image>Adjustments>Brightness/contrast and increase the contrast by 20.

3. Increase the saturation by going into the menu and choosing Image>Adjustments>Hue/saturation and increase the saturation by 20.

4. Blend the edge layer with the one below it by selecting the "Overlay" blend mode from the drop-drown menu in the layer window.

5. Duplicate the layer by going to the menu and choosing Layer>Duplicate layer.

Create the Distorted Dark Edges of a Lomo PhotographInverse.

8. Now that the outer edge of your photo is selected create a new layer by choosing Layer>New fill layer>Solid color. Click "OK" to create the layer. Click "OK" again to choose black from the color picker.

Give the Photo a Sharp Bright Center of the Lomo EffectNew layer from the menu.

10. Change the fill tool to gradient, gradient type to spherical and gradient shading style to foreground to transparent. Select white as the primary color. Click the center of the picture and drag the line out to the far top or bottom edge for a portrait or the left or right edge for a landscape.

11. Select overlay as the blend mode for this layer and change the opacity to about 80 percent or whatever works best with the photo.

12. Flatten the image by selecting Layer>Flatten image.

Add the Fish Eye Effect of a Lomo Photograph

13. Duplicate the background image by selecting the background layer then choosing Layer>Duplicate layer from the menu.

14. Select the new layer and choose Filter>Blur>Radial blur from the menu. Blur amount should be set to 5, method to zoom, and quality to best.

15. Flatten the image by selecting Layer>Flatten image from the menu.

16. Use "Save as" to save the fake Lomo photo as a .jpeg and keep your original digital photo intact.

Tags: from menu, image selecting, menu choosing, blend mode, choosing Layer>Duplicate, choosing Layer>Duplicate layer