Monday, June 7, 2010

Insert A Digital Slr Mirror

Cleaning your hot mirror is a good way to prolong the life of your camera, and ensure high-quality pictures.

Digital single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras utilize a hot mirror to capture images by reflecting the image from the lens onto the camera's image sensor. If this mirror gets damaged, or if you want to convert your digital SLR into an infrared camera, you will need to replace the hot mirror. Inserting a hot mirror into a digital SLR camera is not a complicated task, and doing so will save hundreds on costly camera repairs.


1. Remove all external screws from the camera's body. These screws may be hidden under rubber grips and in battery and memory card compartments.

2. Remove the camera's back panel by carefully lifting up the back panel and disconnecting any attached cables. These cables will usually be held in place by small clips.

3. Remove the camera's metal noise shield by removing the screws that hold it in place.

4. Unscrew the screws holding the central chipboard in place, and carefully lift up or flip out the chipboard to reveal the camera's hot mirror.

5. Remove the screws holding the hot mirror's mounting bracket in place and remove the bracket.

6. Lift out the hot mirror carefully and insert the new mirror. Be careful not to touch the mirror or allow any dust to get on it, as this may cause the camera to take distorted or reduced quality pictures.

7. Replace the hot mirror's mounting bracket, noise shield and back panel. Make sure to reconnect any cables and replace all screws.

Tags: back panel, mirror mounting, mirror mounting bracket, mounting bracket, noise shield, Remove camera, screws holding