Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Change A Slr Camera Lens

change a SLR camera lens

Interchanging lenses on your camera is a crucial step in the field of photography. Owning and using a multitude of lenses offers perspective or an advantage in a shot. For instance, when trying to photograph subjects from a far distance will require a lens with a strong zoom.


1. Holding your camera in your left hand, press the lens release button located directly next to the lens.

2. Next, with your left hand firmly grip the base of the lens (where the lens meets the camera body), and twist. Some cameras will have you twist clockwise, others will be counterclockwise.

3. After a slight turn of the lens you should feel it click free.

4. Remove the lens from your camera and place a lens cap on the front and a screw on cap for the base end.

5. Lastly, take the new lens you want to use and place the base firmly into the camera's lens socket. Holding the base of the lens, turn the opposite direction you used to dismantle the previous lens until you feel it firmly click into place.

6. At this stage the lens should not have any movement or wiggle. Congratulations you're ready to shoot.

Tags: your camera, base lens, camera lens, left hand, lens should, your left, your left hand