Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Size A Big Screen Tv

Big screen TVs are something that many people wish to own. It can be very enjoyable watching sports, movies or television shows on a large screen. The size that you decide on for your big screen TV is going to depend on many factors.


1. Consider your budget. Obviously, the larger TV screens are going to cost more than the smaller ones. If you can afford to shell out thousands of dollars for a very large screen TV, then your choice becomes simpler.

2. Check your TV stand or entertainment center. If you have a stand or entertainment center that you wish to use, then you need to measure it to see what size TV it can accommodate.

3. Look at the room's lighting. Too much light in a room can distort the picture on a big screen TV. If you are able to limit the room's light, then a bigger size set can work just fine.

4. Measure the size of your room. Room size is a big factor when choosing a big screen TV. You don't want to put in a TV that is going to cut your room in half. On average, your couch should be at least 7 to 10 feet away from the screen.

5. Examine the screen of the TV when you sit down. You should not be able to see the dots that make up the big screen's picture. If you do see them, then you may need a smaller set or move the couch farther away.

Tags: entertainment center, large screen, stand entertainment, stand entertainment center, then need